How hard is the AP Chinese exam?

I still have two years until I would take the test, but I would like to know hard the test is for a non-native speaker. I’m taking Chinese II in school right now, and my teacher is not good at all. She doesn’t really teach us much. I’m trying to learn Chinese on my own at home and from my mom, since she is fluent in Chinese. I was fluent about ten years ago but lost the language, so I’m trying to actually become fluent again.

I have heard that the AP Chinese test is really hard for someone who isn’t fluent in Chinese. If I start preparing now, would I have a chance to at least pass the exam with a 3? How much would I really need to know? I looked at the Barrons prep book and it looked pretty hard. Should I buy the book now to help me prepare, or should I not even bother to take the test?