How Hopeless Am I?

<p>I'm currently a junior at a prestigious public high school.</p>

<p>9th GPA: 3.4167
10th: 3.4286
11th UW: 3.25</p>

<h2>11th W: 3.917</h2>

<p>TOT UW: 3.368
TOT W: 3.579</p>

<p>SAT I: 2310 (CR: 710, W:800, M:800)
IIC 800
Chem 720
Bio 790
Korean 780
Spanish (no listening) 710</p>

<p>My test scores are very high, but my regular GPA is not good at all. </p>

<p>I have two Cs in History (11th) & Science (9th).
I have a D in Literature Honors (11th).</p>

<p>Should I make up the D during the summer?
I know I can do better second semester; I was very distracted this first semester because my half brother died. He held on for about two months (September-October) and finally passed away. I was affected greatly.</p>

<p>I have a lot of extra curriculars:
- Music awards (national honor band, national choir, numerous 1st places in solo competitions)
- I also began a music program at a poor elementary school
- Personal intern at Senator Alquist's office for a year (expecting a good rec from her)
- Created fundraiser events for various causes (orphanages, backpacking projects, funding libraries, etc)</p>

<p>How doomed am I?
Where can I apply to next year? Nowhere? :(</p>

<p>I love doing things for the community and ... I guess I didn't feel my grades were as important. I'm screwed huh :|</p>

<p>Wow. Get that idea out of your head. Apply anywhere you want to. Don't be fooled by this microcosm of CC. You are miles above most stats. In fact, I'd say you are above average on CC in terms of your ECs/Leadership. Yeah, the Cs/D won't help you, but you should make it up if you have the chance, and explain the very valid situation in your app. In fact if you make it up, it just show how much of a go-getter you are and how you can bounce back from the worst. You're a college catch. Just keep working hard and you will find yourself in a great place.</p>

<p>You have a fine chance at many schools. Just avoid the top 20.</p>

<p>Oh, schools I'm looking at are
USC, Carnegie Mellon, University of Washington, UChicago, UCSB, UCLA</p>

<p>Are they all impossible?
I want to major in Biopsychology or Biochemistry.
Minor in music.</p>

<p>uchicago will want an explanation or u take the initiative and provide one for the D... otherwise u have no problems what so ever.. i got 3 C's sophomore year and im still applying to 3 ivy leagues...</p>

<p>i plan on double major bio and music(violin)</p>

<p>Any other helpful advice?</p>

<p>Colleges I'm looking at:
Carnegie Mellon
University of Washington

<p>Still wanting to major in Biochemistry, biopsychology, molecular biology
minor music.</p>

<p>You have a fine shot at all those schools.</p>

<p>I think an explanation would help a lot in your case and really contribute to the context of your application. You are by no means hopeless, and like the above posters said, have extraordinary test scores and EC's. Numbers driven schools (UC's) might be put off by the dip in your GPA, but I am not extremely familiar with the system. Apply wherever you want; good luck in the future.</p>

<p>Should I take summer school to make up for that D?
Is that required for UCs?</p>

<p>Cube: his GPA and ECs are average for the members at this site (considering that people here tend to be really awesome and make you feel small). </p>

<p>To the OP:</p>

<p>I would somehow make up the Ds if I were you. You still have a shot at those schools.</p>

<p>Someone else said something about Univ. of Chicago .. it's more forgiving about grades [at least to the kids in my school]. Make sure to pull them up to Cs. You'll be fine if your ECs are great and you have some leadership positions.</p>

<p>If you have the opportunity, go for the summer class. Explain the situation on your apps, and especially if you take the initiative in taking the class, colleges should more than forgive you for the D - might make up for a couple C's too. Sorry for your loss.</p>

<p>You have to make up the D for the UCs. Please do a search or read some other threads on the UCs. But you need a C or better in four years of English.<br>
The UCs do not consider recs or don't even submit recs. You should really consider other schools.</p>

<p>I think explanations don't count for much when the field is very competitive. What matters is this: are your grades uniformly average or do you have few A's mixed in with a few C's. If it is the former you have a little bit of problem at top schools. What happens is that your test scores grab the attention, but the high school performance is known to predict well the college performance, so if you don't show flashes of brilliance in some of the academic subjects, ADCOMS are going to hesitate.
So depending on how your grade profile looks you should carefully choose schools to apply to. You are still a junior, so you have another two semesters (II sem of Junior and I sem of Senior) to show your capability.</p>

<p>Would it still be necessary to take english over summer if I got an A/B at the end of the year?</p>

<p>As ebeeeee stated no Ds at UC qualify as meeting the requirements so you must go to summer school to make it up. Also, UC will AVERAGE (unlike CSU who will take the higher) the D and the summer school grade when computing your a-g GPA so get an A in summer school. UC looks at semster grades so it doesn't matter what you get in the spring-they won't accept the D.</p>