<p>I'm trying to cram all the classes I can into next semester's schedule while minimizing gas costs and headaches. There are few options, one of which involves an online intro to fin acc with a teacher whom I have been told is very easy. I know I won't learn much in this class, should I forgo an extra 2 gallons a week to get a different teacher or is intro to fin acc even that important?</p>
<p>Leaving out lots of relevant facts. Are you an Accounting Major ? What is your financial situation (how much do those 2 gallons of gas mean to you $ wise) ? I think Intro to Financial Accounting is important, but I’m an Accountant.</p>
<p>If you’re going to take intermediate I’d say F it. Intermediate Accounting is basically intro on steroids (a LOT more depth, much more examination of what GAAP says and then interpreting it, etc.) so you’ll basically learn the same stuff over again. If you’re doing finance or accounting for a major, intro financial is very important. Intro Fin ACTG being important for accounting majors is self-explanatory, but for finance, you’ll spend a lot of time examining 10-Ks, etc. to construct DCFs, comps, for investing, etc. so having an excellent grasp of accounting is important. I always laugh at finance majors (I am a finance major btw) who think intro accounting classes are all they need and passing those makes them above accounting. If you’re in marketing or whatever, then none of it will matter and just get a good GPA, but if you’re in finance and won’t take intermediate, I’d reconsider (although I’d reconsider forgoing intermediate accounting in the first place)</p>