<p>Hello, I'm thinkin about taking esdin next quarter for ls1. I have never taken an ls before. I'm also taking 14c, next quarter. How is esdin?? is he hard?? Is halpin better?? Thanks!!</p>
<p>I haven’t taken either, so take this with a grain or two of salt but…</p>
<p>I have a couple friends in LS1 with Halpin and they say she is
- Extremely boring and
- Very very easy, as long as you read and study, the class is straightforward and not difficult</p>
<p>However, I’ve heard much better things about Esdin, who seems to be the better choice.</p>
<p>Overall, I haven’t heard anyone complain about the difficulty level of LS1, so you should be fine either way.</p>
<p>esdin forsure. i heard his ls1 over the summer was a breeze.
i had him for ls2 last quarter and he’s a really good prof. tests can be a bit detailed but if you study shouldnt have a prob</p>
<p>To hijack this thread for LS professors, does anybody have anything on Simmons and Cooper for LS2 Lec 1?</p>