<p>Ok how is my college outlook.</p>
<p>Here is my situation I have a 2.6 left over from a rather poor preformence throughout Freshman year but I've preformed decent in my studies since and it shows a strong upward trend, in addition I will have three AP classes under my belt. In terms of EC'S I will have to put on my application the Cambridge College Programme, in which I did exceedingly well as I made all A's in my classes as well as getting the de facto recommendations of two Cambridge Professors who are fairly high profile in the sense of them being accomplished academics as well as to having wrote some books as well, also in terms of EC I will have debate to put on there in addition to Cambridge. Also I have written and have had published some History articles on community based history websites. Lastly I also preform well in interviews.</p>
<p>So with all of this do you think I could get into a good college or university?</p>