How Liberal is Beloit?

<p>I want my son to consider schools outside of large public schools - and I was thinking about having him visit Beloit - particularly because of its fine reputation and proximity to our home in Chicago.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t call him Rush Limbaugh or anything…but he is probably more conservative than a typical student. Can someone give me any idea as to how he might fit in?</p>

<p>Beloit! That’s the name of our offense we run on our basketball team because they run it! Weird connections</p>

<p>Conservative in what way?</p>

<p>Conservative as in Republican-leaning - ideology wise. I just wanted to know if Beloit is as “liberal” as other similar LACs tend to be.</p>

<p>According to my daughter, the answer is yes—Beloit is predominantly liberal. She said that there is a niche of more conservative students, but emphasized that it is important that your son visit campus, preferably overnight. That will give him a much better sense of what the student body is like and whether or not he would fit in.</p>

<p>Mary - Thanks for your (and your daughter’s) reply. I think we will still visit nevertheless…because you are right…it is important to ultimately determining the fit for him.</p>

<p>He’s a Republican? Last year I would have said he’d fit Beloit (and a bunch of other LACs) like a bra on the Grand Canyon. But we’re not going to have Bush and his gang to hate any more, so I suspect he’ll find less hostility to Republicans on campus.</p>

<p>^^ You’re a real hoot! I’m sort of late to this party; a friend has been urging me to check out Beloit - - and so far I have certainly liked what I’ve read (we are looking for a socially liberal, diverse and supportive LAC).</p>

<p>I’m a senior at Beloit and haven’t posted on CC in awhile, but I thought I’d share my insight into the political dialogues on campus. For the most part, Beloit is a liberal campus both politically and socially. The Students for Barack Obama group plastered posters all over campus during the election. Our more prominent student clubs are focused on the environment and peace and justice. The Beloit College Democrats are popular.
There are definitely politically conservative students on campus but they aren’t nearly as vocal. Last year a few students started the Beloit College Republicans. I haven’t been to a meeting but hear there’s limited attendance. The club was profiled in the college newspaper recently.
You’ll find viewpoints from across the spectrum at Beloit. Everything is debated and discussed.</p>

<p>I am less concerned with campus Dem or Rep groups than with the general social climate, which I assume is socially progressive tending towards activist. Or am I somewhat off the mark?</p>

<p>^I think that’s an accurate assessment.</p>

<p>That’s pretty accurate, nyc.</p>

<p>Your right-leaning son will fit anywhere–meaning, he’ll find his niche, even at the most liberal college. I’m spectacularly impressed that you’re looking at schools that might fall outside of his “comfort zone.” … By the way, we visted Beloit with our younger daughter, and really liked it. She ended up at Carleton, though.</p>