How long is placement exam?


<p>I am scheduled to take the placement exam for mathematics and English on June 2, 2013. How long is the exam overall?</p>

<p>Also does late SOAR meeting means disadvantages in terms of course selection?</p>

<p>Not sure how long the placement exam takes, but their SOAR page states that later SOAR didn’t mean tougher registration</p>

<p>Sent from my SGH-T769 using CC</p>

<p>I don’t remember exactly, something like 80 minutes each…</p>

<p>Yes, a late SOAR session is a definite disadvantage in terms of course selection. You will read that it is not a disadvantage, but many friends of mine would absolutely disagree. You should be able to get in many of “traditional” freshman courses, but if you AP’d out of some and are looking for 200 or 300 level courses…they will be filled if you have a late SOAR appt. You will read that course sections are added throught the summer to combat this issue. That wasn’t my eperience last year. Also, the more popular times for classes will be fill up. You could end up with MWF classes at 8am 11am 3pm and 5pm. Some people might like that…some not so much. Classes spread out give you a ton of time to study during the day, but limit your ability to work.</p>

<p>I encourage freshman to get the earliest possible SOAR session they can. Last year, I went in early June and some Wisc. kids took a day off high school to attend SOAR so they could get the courses they wanted.</p>

<p>From the time you get there it’s 3.5 hours. I just took it this past weekend.</p>

<p>Thank you very much all!</p>

<p>So attending late SOAR means having less courses to select? I just talked with CALS adviser and he said that there is no problem…</p>

<p>What they mean is that by the time you’ll have SOAR many people will have already had their session. So this means that some classes will have filled up by then and unfortunately you won’t be able to get in them. Attending SOAR early gives you “first dibs.”</p>

<p>However, the courses needed by this student in CALS, not L&S, may work out well. I see you’re OOS and I would think you are coming to WI for SOAR at the same time you take the placement exams. June 2nd is early- most WI HS students won’t be done with school yet, especially since the state mandated that public schools can’t start until September each fall.</p>

<p>Wis75 – I think there was a change within the last year or two, as for my entering freshman last year, all placement testing had to be completed before SOAR. For OOS students, there are sites that administer the on-line tests, typically community college and similar sites. Scores appear on My UW within about 7-14 days. Students must have registered for placement tests in order to register for a specific SOAR date.</p>

<p>Midwestmomofboys is correct. It changed prior to last year’s SOAR sessions. Wis75’s post is dated info. Also, register early for Placement Exams as some sites fill-up very quickly. Keep in mind if you only do English & Math the times above are correct. If you add a foreign language it increases the length of time by another 90 min. or so. I believe it’s good to take the foreign language exam, even if you don’t think you’ll continue on. You might change your mind!</p>

<p>I am intended to major in CALS microbiology. Does CALS usually have enough spaces for introductory courses?</p>

<p>My son is a freshman in CALS with a major in genetics. He had to attend SOAR last July since he is a Posse Scholar and that was the only time the Posse students were permitted to attend. He had some trouble getting courses, mostly elective courses though. He got all the courses he needed, but he only had two choices of times during the week for his chemistry lab.</p>

<p>I went to soar in mid-july (two years ago if it has changed) and got the classes I wanted, except I had to waitlist a math class (one that freshmen don’t usually take, I got in no problem), and had to take a 7:45 am spanish class instead of a 9:55 am one when I had both slots open. I just checked the website every day or a few times a day and waited until they opened up another section at 9:55, was able to switch sometime in August.</p>

<p>Hi, guys!! I am an international Freshman 2013 and have determined to attend UW-M!! Looking forward to meeting you on the beautiful campussss! : p</p>

<p>First I want to provide you some info about placement testings as I know. Hope this possibly helps! I heard of that we can still take the placement testings during the orientation this year (though are not recommended) from one of my friends who is also going to UW (also international). Well, she emailed school to ask and got such reply. I have registered for tests & SOAR and scheduled my paper tests on Aug,22nd. </p>

<p>Secondly, I have a question please help. I am wondering whether the schedules to attend the SOAR depend on US./ international or Freshman/ Sophomore and how are they different. I am not very familiar with the SOAR, so if this question is kinda silly, I am sorry. ^_< Because this will really affect my arrangements about coming to US., and I always want the chance to pick my intended courses!! Thx~SOS!!</p>

<p>Last but not the least important, if anybody could introduce some infos about the dorms, I’d be very appreciate it. I will go to the L&S college, general course. I like either the Phillips or the Merit very much. Any comments for me? </p>

<p>Thank you again, best wishes to allllllllllllll</p>

<p>First of all- UW-Madison is known as just UW while UWM usually refers to UW-Milwaukee, when you get to campus and hear about UWM it likely someone talking about that school, not the one you are at. International students’ SOAR will include extra orientation and typically has been just before classes so those students don’t need to make two trips to the US, especially given Visa considerations. Read up on things on the UW website.</p>

<p>Too bad those who don’t take placement tests early are discouraged from doing so the morning before SOAR starts- for top students it is a mere formality, getting near perfect scores.</p>

<p>Thx for your reply and reminder, so I am guessing that UW is for U of Wisconsin Madison while UWS is for U of Washington Seattle when I get to the campus? Sorry I kind of mess them up cuz people here in my place always think UW as the Seattle one. They are not very familiar with the Milwaukee as well. But thank you for your friendly tips though. : )</p>

<p>I do not really worry about the testings. Actually I kind of regard the placement testings just as a helping placement tool which could help students be assigned in the most fit course. I do not think I should show off if I get perfect score or I should be sad just because I won’t take 118. Despite a high score on Toefl and AP Cal, I think it may be nice to begin with lower standard courses for our international students. Of course this is just to my humble opinion. While I am confident in the testings, I am actually worried about the availability of the courses with a late SOAR. : (</p>

<p>Hi christinej,</p>

<p>I am also an international student who was accepted (and is considering going to) UW-Madison. Could you please elaborate on this part:


<p>I could not find that option anywhere (testing before SOAR on August 22), yet I’d really love to do that. I come from a very small country, so finding a proctor to administer the electronic tests for me would be a very daunting task. Taking the tests (maths + English as a secondary language) on campus right before SOAR would be awesome (if I am unable to locate a proctor).</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>UW refers to both the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Washington-Seattle (and probably other schools as well), the schools are located in different regions of the US. In Wisconsin and the midwest in general it will almost always refer to Wisconsin, can’t remember ever hearing Washington mentioned outside of CC, actually. Referring to “Wisconsin” when mentioning a university here also means University of Wisconsin-Madison.</p>

<p>UWM or sometimes just Milwaukee, is the university of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.</p>

<p>Both are UW- The Washington school is called “U-dub” out loud, not U-double-u (W) as ours is. This won’t show up in print, however. Different regions have different local knowledge bases. Most UW students won’t even think of the other UW- the two are so far off of each other’s radar.</p>

<p>Can I please get an answer to this?</p>



<p>For SOAR information visit [Student</a> Orientation, Advising, and Registration | University of Wisconsin?Madison](<a href=“]Student”> or contact <a href=“”></a> / 608-262-4707. </p>

<p>Placement Testing length is:
-English 90 minutes
-Math 90 minutes
-Foreign Language 60 minutes
-English as a Second Language is 90 min</p>

<p>If you are taking the tests on paper during regional testing there is a 15 minute break scheduled between each test. If you are taking it on a computer, you can start each test at your own pace and don’t have to wait for the time to expire on the exam to start the next exam. </p>

<p>For international student who cannot identify a proctor in their home country, they can list that they are testing on paper at UW-Madison on August 25 in their SOAR reservation. No additional sign-up is necessary. Students are strongly encouraged to test in their home country and not to wait for SOAR. </p>

<p>SOAR works to manage course enrollment for all SOAR sessions including late August and international SOAR. Students are guaranteed to leave SOAR with a full schedule which fulfill degree requirements no matter what SOAR session they attend.</p>