<p>see topic tilteeeeeeeeeeee</p>
<p>500-750 words, IMO, is a good length. 250 seems too short to me and 1000 too long. I don't suggest going above 1000 words.</p>
<p>I'd say 1-1.5 pages double-spaced size 12 times new roman. That's just my personal preference though.</p>
<p>All my essays for the Commonapp were in the 500-700 range. I stuck to 500 for the top tier schools because I didn't want the admissions committee to be bored with my essays. If you can justify the length, go for longer essays. Some people have a natural, flowing style that is no pain to read at all, and their essays can be a 1000 words long and still be great.</p>
<p>Close to a full page, single spaced.</p>
<p>so is it best to double space or single space?</p>
<p>I'm guessing it's double spaced so the words are less cramped, but again, that's my personal preference :)</p>
<p>If you submit a printed copy of your essay, you should double space. If you're submitting an electronic document, you would typically single space.</p>
<p>Length doesn't matter as long as it is good. </p>
<p>Mine was a page double spaced 11 font arial.</p>
<p>is it bad to use a common app? do colleges have a preference for their own apps?</p>
<p>It shouldn't have any affect on admissions, but I did complete the individual college applications for those that had one.</p>
<p>Not over a full page single spaced.</p>