How long to hear back?

I just submitted my application to Belmont and I was wondering if anyone could give me an estimate as to 1) how long it’ll take to hear back and 2) how long it’ll take to receive word from them on scheduling an audition for the School of Music?

Our rep said 2 weeks once they have all your materials but my son isn’t auditioning so not sure if you’re in a different process. Call your rep and ask.

Mt daughter heard back within the week. She did the Common App and Belmont was first to respond. We have friends that have not heard yet. Not sure of the process but I can imagine your letter will come soon.:slight_smile:

Did she get an actual letter in the mail or did they send an email?

Hi! Sorry I missed this. She got a letter 5 days later. She must have submitted to them right before the rush of applicants. lol Her friends who applied a week later did not hear quickly. :wink:

Thanks @fitmomfoods An actual letter came soon after. It was about a week for the acceptance, then about another week later she got a letter with merit money info. Seems like a waste to send 2 separate letters, but exciting for the kids to get more mail!!

Hoping all is well! congratulations!