<p>is it possible for someone with a parents who has 50K income to get financial aid? 100K?</p>
<p>now before you all stop yelling at me for a being a spoiled rich kid who is trying to milk out some money (cause CC is just that optimistic), this is just HYPOTHETICAL. I'm just curious. that is it. there is no deeper meaning or situation behind this so don't drag one out. anyone criticizing me for something I didn't say will be ignored.</p>
<p>bit of a harsh disclaimer, but I figured it was necessary.</p>
<p>There really isn’t a “pat answer” to your question as much varies by college. There are some very generous schools that award large need based aid awards to students in the $50K range…whereby they go tuition free (e.g. Dartmouth). There are schools whereby a student would pay 10% of the family income (assuming “typical assets”) with incomes of $100K (e.g. Stanford).</p>
<p>With an income level of $50K per year, it is not likely that a student would qualify for any federally funded grant money (e.g. Pell grant)…or if they did, it would be a %age of the Pell, and not the full $5400 amount. </p>
<p>The best thing you can do to get a better idea…go to a school that you might be considering and use THAT SCHOOL’s Net Price Calculator. Enter figures that are as close to reality (even hypothetical reality) as you can. This will give you an ESTIMATE of what the school aid and your costs could be.</p>
<p>P.S. In my opinion, there was no reason for your rather harsh “disclaimer”.</p>
<p>Are you talking about federal aid? state aid? aid from the colleges?</p>
<p>To get “free money” from the federal gov’t, than income needs to be kind of lowish unless there are a few sibings in college as well. </p>
<p>To get “free money” from your state, it depends on which state you’re in.</p>
<p>To get “free money” from a college, it depends on whether the school “meets need” or gives merit scholarships. </p>
<p>Many students whose families earn income beyond federal aid do not get any free money.</p>
<p>however, at schools that “meet need” or are very generous, you could get some aid with an income of $100k and sometimes more.</p>
<p>The answer would also depend on the size of the student’s family. A large family with several dependent children would probably be eligible for at least some Pell grant if family income was in the $50K range.</p>
<p>First hurdle is to get accepted. Schools with generous need based aid like this accept about 10% of applicants…meaning that 90% or so do NOT get accepted.</p>
<p>Well I can speak from experience that with a $50K AGI you would be eligible for Pell unless you had some big assets. It wouldn’t be the maximum $5,550 but could be in the $1500 to $3000 range. You would also be eligible for subsidized loans. The schools that are most kind to that income level are the top Ivies but getting in is the hard part.
At $100K you would not be Pell eligible and could only get unsubsidized loans. Again, the top Ivies would still offer the best aid at this income level.</p>