<p>sybbie719 - I know that 1600 is not a guaranteed admission, and I understand why colleges are looking for different people.</p>
<p>In my country You can not take harder/easier course. There is only one course for everyone, and it's difficulty depends only on:
- selectivity of the school
- level of language
- In some cases Individual programme. [1/1000 students? I do not know, I attend to the most selective [last year data] school in country capital, and I am the only one who have individual programme, because of academic reasons, and there are approximately 500 people there. In most schools no one have an IP]
- Ethics/Religious - Ethics could be treated as more advanced.
That are the things that we can choose. Conseqeuntly, I do not know how admissions comitee will make decision. We had 35 hours a week, 15 subjects for two years, and now we have 8 subjects, and about 30 hours a week.</p>
<p>And sybbi719, the problem is, that I am not thinking about 1600, but less than 1400... with 800 from math, mincing words, You know what I mean :).</p>
<p>Major? Science: Mol. Biology and Biophysics, Bioengineering. Let's say science, and applied science.</p>
<p>What I bring to table: Initiativity, motivation, analysis, creativity.
And things that I am not sure:
?? => lecturing and tutoring[Could be helpful in the class :P. By know most of my classmates found it helpful ;) ;)].
?? => morality and integrity [ is it important? I was always very strict in moral sense person: basing judges on analitical system, roughly it is based on utylitarism with influence of formalism, and especially, logical explanation and understanding.]
?? => Self-Development system, which I would be very happy to explain :). Based on simple praxeology, and a bit economical assertions. Works well, and I am trying to convince people to it.</p>
<p>It looks a bit technical, but It will be easier to understand for You, I guess.</p>
<h2>I am a white male, from eastern europe. As far as I know, there is one girl who is attending Princeton from my country. But, there could be a second one also...</h2>
<h2>What will be satisfactory? Roughly, approximately, I will stand if You can't give SD and average ;).</h2>
<p>I predict my verbal score between 520-620. The problem is vocabulary, mainly, I have studied 1000 words this weekend, and memorized it, but I don't think I would be able to study in such a tempo for one month, since It is too exhausting. Hence, I am a bit worried. Believe me, I have far less opportunities here, and I am trying to do my best. If I won't spend time memorizing words, I will be writing my projects and conceptions, or perfecting essays. Hence the question, and ask for some reliable data.</p>
<p>Thank You for Your time, it was a long post :).</p>