how many can you miss for a perfect score?

<p>i want to know. i know i missed at least 2 in the CR section... is it still possible?</p>

<p>anyone know?</p>

<p>Maybe -1 CR?</p>

<p>It depends on how everyone else scored. The curve varies from test to test.</p>

<p>this test was much harder. does that mean it’ll be easier to get perfect?</p>

<p>^ Yes, it depends on the curve. If your curve is generous, CR could be a -3 (usually -2) </p>

<p>Writing is like sodomy. It punishes you, so you absolutely must do well on the essay and miss only 1 or maybe 2.</p>

<p>interesting… haha yeah about the essay. personally i think it can affect your score too much… i’m not much good at writing essays.</p>

<p>Yeah, writing is a *****.</p>

<p>I’m hoping for at least a 780 though, crossing my fingers…</p>

<p>Essay points are pretty influential too…an 8 and a 12 is a difference of around 20-50 points, I believe.</p>

<p>what about the difference between an 11 and 12?</p>

<p>10 or 20, mainly…If you received a high MC score, it should be an 800 nonetheless.</p>

<p>In June, I got an 8(!) on the essay and still got a 780 on writing, if anybody cares…</p>

<p>i care! i screwed up my essay majorly but i don’t htink i did too badly on the mc</p>

<p>-2 for CR
-0 for math
-1 with at least a 10 essay/-2 with a 12 essay</p>

<p>^you mean -2 for CR with -10 points for every error after that…like if it’s 7 wrong, it’s 800,800,790,780,770,760,750…so you get a 750?</p>

<p>I got 12 wrong on Critical Reading last year and got a 640</p>

<p>soo, it’s a really close estimate, I guess. :/</p>

<p>17 wrong and 2 omitted on this past Oct. test for a 600. o.O</p>

<p>chinnychinchang - It’s usually -10 points for every error after you get past the 700 mark. 7 wrong is usually a 710.</p>

<p>-7 ~~ 700 or so usually. I know you can get one wrong on CR and get an 800, I did.</p>

<p>i think i got -3 now.</p>

<p>crud. there goes my perfect score. =(</p>