how many characters in essay?

<p>i think mine is like 3000 characters, only like 500 words. Concise is better, a lot in a little, right?</p>

<p>i have a 2,800 essay on my comp. its 494 words</p>

<p>ok i realized mine wasnt long at all given u have 5000 character limit</p>

<p>Mine is the shortest that I have seen. It was ~1800 characters and ~370 words</p>

<p>Almost 4900 characters, and over 800 words. Applied and accepted for round 2 (The Oct 31 deadline)</p>

<p>Looking back, this wa s unnecessarily large. I could have gotten my message across easily in 3000 chars or 500 words. However, at the time, I decided to make use of the space given to me. Oh well, turned out okay!</p>

<p>830 words, 4674 characters. Like CCCiter, I just decided to use what Georgia Tech gave me. Also accepted on 10/31. I wrote my essay just for Georgia Tech, and it turns out I couldn’t really reuse it anywhere because it was so long. But it was probably the best essay I’ve ever wrote. Length doesn’t really matter, but don’t be afraid to use the space you have to tell your story.</p>