How many hours do you study per week?

<p>If you take 5 classes, how many hours do you study, including homework? Do you complete your homework immediately after class? Is homework submitted online?</p>

<p>in engineering, dean carr asked the students to give 8 hours per day total toward schoolwork, the same or less than the amount of time that they had been spending in actual class in high school.</p>

<p>I can kind of answer for my sons…</p>

<p>RE: homework…</p>

<p>Certain classes have more homework than others. My kids like to balance their schedules each semester by not taking too many time-demanding classes at one time. Math, sciences, engineering, and foreign languages have been the most time demanding subjects for my kids so far. </p>

<p>for instance, this is my older son’s last semester. It’s supposed to be his “easy” semester because he’s done with all his req’ts and is only taking classes for his enjoyment. However, he’s taking Italian, Spanish, 2 extra math classes, running, and conditioning. The foreign language classes and one of the math classes are very time-demanding…lots of homework.</p>

<p>As far as number of hours per week studying/doing homework…some weeks are worse than others… But, probably, on average, a student could estimate that about 20-25 hours per week will be spent doing homework and/or reading/studying. I think the “rule of thumb” for colleges is that the estimate is about 1-2 hours for every credit hour…but, of course, some classes are more demanding…and some are less. Kids probably spend an additional 10+ hours (so 30-40 hrs) during weeks that have big tests.</p>

<p>As for WHEN kids do homework…some have breaks in their daily school schedules that allow them to get some work in during those times. Personally, I think that’s a good idea…it cuts down on work that needs to be done at night. </p>

<p>As for submitting homework…many of their classes do require online submission of homework. It depends on the class/prof/assignment.</p>

<p>My D currently takes several online HS classes. She is given the material to study online and essentially teaches herself. She spends approx. 8 hours a day, reading, studying, taking notes, and doing homework. So it sounds like it will be a similar amount of time spent doing the same thing in college. So that eases my mind.</p>

<p>She says she will be glad to be in college. She will be able to ask questions in class and go to office hours. She can receive help through her online classes but it is not the same as being in a live class.</p>

<p>What state are you from. :)</p>

<p>Florida. Thanks to you and all of your posts my D will be attending Bama in the fall. I want to give you my heartfelt thanks for sharing information about Bama and it’s great scholarships.</p>

<p>Glad to hear that your D will be coming to Bama :)</p>