How many licks?

<p>So because I'm curious and it reminds me of the tootsie roll pop commercial, as well as the fact I used TPBM likes tootsie roll pops in the New Game thread, I am going to stay up until I lick to the center of a cherry tootsie roll pop. Yes, I'm probably nuts, but this seems like it will be fun. I will keep you updated. Also, if I give up, I will let you know. I will be counting the licks.</p>

<p>I got like 462 or maybe 362, maybe even 562.</p>

<p>Are we supposed to guess?</p>

<p>I’ll go with 523.</p>

<p>I’m on 75 and have made barely any progress.</p>

<p>You can guess, but you won’t win anything for being closest.</p>

<p>Can we edit our guess?</p>

<p>I’d lose track of the number. You could employ some sort of tallying system. I’m sure they have them online. Or just do +1 on your calculator and press “=” every time you lick. </p>

<p>I have an ominous feeling that your tongue won’t there anymore by the time you’re done.</p>


<p>105, and wartsy you can just keep posting…haha.</p>

<p>Boy: Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
Mr. Owl: Let’s find out. 1…2…3(crunch). Three.</p>

<p>How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? The world may never know.</p>

<p>But I will know when I’m done, muahahaha. 150, and barely any progress.</p>

<p>I would have been more interested in this question if it asked “How many licks does it take to please”

<p>What do you mean? 190.
^I know you would… :l</p>

<p>The 500 Mark has been eclipsed, the sides are starting to thin out.</p>

<p>3481, according to a study at the University of Cambridge.</p>

<p>I didn’t know what this thread was about, so I was going to reply with forty. But you’ve gone well past that now.</p>

<p>I tried once.
Got bored and bit it.
And then found out I was allergic to chocolate.</p>

<p>^^^that’s kinda bullcrap because I’m at like 700 and I’m almost near the center. I might be just salivating a lot or licking in rapid succession, but I’m counting all of them.</p>

<p>^That sucks! Allergic to chcolate?! That stinks.</p>

<p>Haha. Who knows?</p>

<p>They probably had some sort of licking “machine”, with no varying amounts of saliva, so that’s probably why.</p>

<p>875, and yeah probably. There is now a red sugar coating circle around the chocolatey center at 900. This is taking a lot less time than I thought.</p>
