<p>Does any one know?</p>
<p>I don’t know off the top of my head, but it’s not an insignificant number of the engineering faculty.</p>
<p>One of my husband’s professors lived in his dorm room when he was an undergrad. :)</p>
<p>Would he be a huge and LOUD Red Sox fan by any chance? :)</p>
<p>I know one. He went to MIT undergraduate, graduate, and is now a MIT faculty.</p>
<p>There’s even a term for such people (people who do undergrad and grad at MIT and go on to become faculty) - “lifers”. I don’t know how many there are though.</p>
<p>^^^hahah!! Nice term! I guess that does describe the professor i know. lol.</p>
<p>gee…that’s WOW…‘Lifer’</p>
<p>Hey current/former MIT students, let’s see if we can list the lifers, current or former.</p>
<p>I know of three, all current:</p>
<p>Gerry Sussman (course 6, but did undergrad and grad in course 18)
Patrick Winston (course 6)
Alex Slocum (course 2)</p>
<p>(A good clue is to look for the profs who are really interested in student life and culture and tend to agree with the students on those issues. ;))</p>
<p>I know of a couple of others who did <em>either</em> undergrad or grad at MIT, but not <em>both</em> (Toomre and Vandiver come to mind). So they aren’t lifers, but they’re close.</p>
<p>there are many MIT profs who went to MIT for their undergraduate work. here are just a few that come to mind. there are scores more who did their graduate work at MIT and i will not even attempt to list them. being 8+18, the ones i know are mainly in those fields.</p>
<p>Isaac Chuang (6+8)
Kiran Kedlaya (18)
Abhinav Kumar (18)
Deepto Chakrabarty (8)
Alan Guth (8)
Josh Winn(8)</p>
<p>list is very much incomplete.</p>
<p>oh that’s funny i didn’t know guth did his undergrad here</p>
<p>also, can’t forget Marin Soljacic (8), swimming in the dough after his genius grant this year.</p>
<p>iostream: Did any of your list do both undergrad and grad at MIT?</p>
<p>Another undergrad who went elsewhere for grad and then became a prof at MIT: Ed Boyden, the PI of the Neuroengineering and Neuromedia group at the Media Lab.</p>
<p>Guth got his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees all at MIT.</p>
<p>Sean Robinson (8) got his bachelor’s and PhD from MIT. My friend’s advisor also went to MIT as an undergrad, but I don’t remember his name.</p>
<p>Mark Drela (16)
Paul Lagace (16)
Charles Coleman (16)</p>
<p>(All three of those lived in MacGregor. Drela was the one in whose room my husband lived.)</p>
<p>I had thought Eric Lander (7) did his undergrad at MIT, but I can’t seem to confirm that in the alumni directory. And my Spanish II professor (21F) had done his undergrad at MIT, but he doesn’t seem to be there anymore and I can’t remember his name.</p>
<p>Can I count my grad advisor? He’s a Harvard professor, but he has a joint appointment in HST. He lived in Senior Haus.</p>
<p>EDIT: My husband adds John Deyst (16), Alan Epstein (16), Steve Hall (16), and Ed Crawley (16). Lots of 16 lifers.</p>
<p>what, that makes 3/4 unified professors (my year at least) MIT graduates</p>
<p>I remember Paul Lagace. He used to sing the Engineer’s song at MacGregor parties. I remember there were some people who lived in the MacGregor tower that used to scale it using climbing gear - he could’ve been one of them.</p>
<p>Other lifers, all course 6:</p>
<p>Paul Gray (emeritus)
<p>I got one. </p>
<p>William T. Peake (course 6, professor of electrical and bioengineering)</p>
<p>he graduated from MIT about 1940-50. And taught at MIT for about 50 years ish, but he stopped teaching about 10 years ago, so he can focus on research.</p>
<p>Course 18:
Gilbert Strang SB
Course 14
Olivier Blanchard PhD
Jonathan Gruber SB
Amy Finkelstein PhD</p>