how many people have not had any response?

<p>Alot of people in my classes got accepted into vt through email/mail a week or two ago and I just heard from someone who got rejected recently (donno when)</p>

<p>I'm just wondering if there are many people who haven't had any response from vt and if so does it mean that I'm going to get rejected? Or is it that vt only notifies a small group early and then the rest by may 1?</p>

<p>If this matters at all, my name is like last, so perhaps it is an alphabetical problem?
I haven't had any letters from my colleges (except for one oos college that I didn't send recs & scores to & it rejected me)</p>

<p>Wow, watched episode of “how i met your mother”, then heard mail truck, went outside and opened up mason acceptance.</p>

<p>& those people who got accepted abouve, all got in on the same day o.0</p>

<p>I have not heard yet and neither have a lot of my friends. But i applied early and got deferred. I heard we’re supposed to find out the 26th or something like that. but don’t quote me on that</p>

<p>My son is still waiting. The admissions office told me the decision e-mails will go out on the 26th…</p>

<p>sorry to you love, I read from other people here that vt normally sends out early acceptances few people they would like attend, and so many people got in that i know of, (i think because they had high gpa’s in easy classes)</p>