<p>I'm on my second year of spanish, and I don't know if I should take a third year.
What are the language requirements for schools like MIT?</p>
<p>my HS requires 3 yrs to graduate. I’m also pretty sure most colleges require 3.</p>
I’d suggest you look at their website for the answer to that question.</p>
<p>Most require two and recommend four.</p>
<p>I just answered this question on a thread yesterday. Take sherpa’s advice and get the information straight from the college website.</p>
<p>Most colleges require two, but can recommend up to three or even four.</p>
<p>Well if you want to have the “most rigorous classes,” I’d recommend at least three years of one language.</p>
<p>Take 4. Suck it up.</p>
<p>The thing is that I want to take some other classes such as AP physics that require me to drop the language and electives. Plus, I’m just taking spanish because I’m a procrastinator, and I need a period in which I can do my missing homework (And , I already speak spanish)</p>
<p>yea same… school didn’t even offer 3 and 4 till like my Junior or senior year, so I gave it up for APs.</p>
<p>Depends on the school. I took two because foreign language is not a strong subject for me, but I was ahead in math classes so it may have balanced out. Now I can’t graduate with honors from my high school but someone in the top 50% can lol, which I think is kind of dumb but oh well… Them’s the breaks.</p>