How Much Do Connections Help?


So I recently found out that a family friend is a close friend of the head football coach at my #1! He offered to set me up with his info and plan for us to meet when the coach comes to town. While I’m not a football player, would having this connection be beneficial, esp during admissions?

Thanks so much!

This will be absolutely no help.

At many schools, the admissions committee cares about what the head football coach thinks of football players. It’s hard to imagine they’re much interested in what he thinks about a non-football player he met once. He’s unlikely to be able to say much about you that will add to their sense of you are beyond what’s in your application. And to the extent he has pull and can ask for the committee to give someone extra consideration just because he’s asking, that sort of asset is finite and he’s going to use it for his team, not for the kid of a friend of a friend.