How much does not asking for FA help?

<p>First, do most kids ask for FA, or are most full pay?Or does it depend on the school?
In general, does being full pay help, or is it more that asking for FA hurts? (If that seems a bit unclear, I'll try to rephrase: Would asking for FA take away from an application, while not asking for FA wouldn't change anything, or would not asking for FA add to an application, while asking for FA wouldn't change anything?)
(I would be a full pay sophomore, and am currently looking at Andover, Choate, Exeter, Hotchkiss, St. paul's, St. George's, Loomis, Concord, Taft, Blair, Groton, and Milton. Obviously, I'm planning on narrowing down the list.)
Sorry if any of that was awkwardly phrased; I just woke up :)</p>