How Much is Too Much?

<p>Hey, I'm a freshman at NYU right now and went through exactly what you are dealing with. I am going to be over my head in debt if i stay here for the full four years, but i'm at TISCH for Recorded music a very specialized major yet it also garentees i won't be making much money.<br>
I wanted TISCH so badly that i was like life is more than money so i have to go and give it a shot even though i had a full ride to another not so esteemed school for a similar program... I LOVE it here... yet every single day i question if it's worth it and how hard will it be to get out of here after four years, what if i want to go to grad school after all? It's starting to look like i might have to seriously consider not coming back because i know i can't afford this in all reality unless i get more money....
BUT if you are willing to work HARD you're first year here, if you make a 3.5 GPA they will cover half of your tuition!
Be Aware... if you are not a city person NYU is a VERY HARD atmosphere to be introduced to. There is not alot of support and it is very hard to make friends. My program was 28 kids and i joined the equestrian team so right away i've personally never felt like NYU was lonely but many many people around me have had alot of difficulty with finding their place here. It's huge and easy to get swallowed and hard to stand out in. My point is... because it's so expensive unless you LOVE LOVE LOVE it like you come here and your heart leaps for joy (and i hope you visited in winter because that is so hard to live through when it's cold and depressing not like the lovely spring/summer when you'll barely be here) i wouldn't pay for this place...</p>

<p>(ps: DO NOT COME FOR GSP WHATEVER YOU DO DO NOT PAY FOR NYU TO BE IN GSP!!! it's not worth it because it's the bare bones liberal arts that you could be getting anywhere at a number of other schools for a whole lot less even others in NYC) </p>

<p>okay well that's my input hope it helped feel free to e-mail me with any questions.</p>

<p>Following is what sybbie posted to some one asking similar advice.</p>

<p>Starting out at 22 years old having to pay off 6 figure debt drastically limit your life choices, as others stated, </p>

<p>there will be no first apartment (you won't make enough to pay rent and the loan)</p>

<p>no new cars (you won't make enough for the loan, car and insurance payments), </p>

<p>no vacation</p>

<p>no professional school (as some law medical schools tell you off the bat to make sure you are credit worthy, because there will be loans as part of your package. If you are not eligible for loans, you cannot attend)</p>

<p>maybe limited relationship prospects, because very few people are going to want to carry you and your pal- DEBT.</p>

<p>the one great thing about dreams are you can always dream new ones. Dream a new dream!!</p>

<p>Think young man....low debt peace of mind. High debt problems.</p>

<p>Forget NYU. Too much money and it is not worth having to be in debt for the rest of your life. And no offense to people who love NYU, but it's not the best school ever :)</p>

<p>As far as someone not dating you because you have student loans... that's just silly.</p>

<p>As for vacations and new cars, I personally couldn't care less about those things. They aren't the type of things that make life worthwile for me.</p>

<p>I do see where you are coming from, however, and I have sent a letter out to NYU to see if they can offer me more aid. I am also going to visit the four colleges I got accepted to in 2 weeks to see which places I like, as well as to talk to the financial aid people.</p>

<p>Thanks all.</p>

<p>My D is having a similar struggle as you Anirak, different schools. She is trying to justify paying full price to Cornell Engineering vs. Northeastern where she was given a very generous merit aid package. She knows she can count on a fixed amount from mom and dad, and beyond that the loans kick in. We are all the process of trying to determine if the Cornell degree will significantly increase her opportunities upon graduation as far as a job, contacts, etc. I wish you luck, please let us know what you decide.</p>