How much money could I get??

<p>I'm a white/hispanic male. My GPA is 4.45 weighted, 3.85 unweighted. My SAT: 680 Math, 660 Critical reading, 660 writing - 2000 total (Planning on getting this: 720 math, 680 CR, 700 Writing - 2100 total). I am the co-founder and secretary of Key Club at my school; mock trial 1 year; CSF 2 years; NSHSS 2 years; Varsity XCountry Since Freshman Year (1 year co-captain), Varsity Track since Freshman year (1 year MVP), soccer referee (as a job) for 3 years since sophomore year, numerous ASB and leadership activities at school. Which of the major scholarships at UM would I be able to get if I raise my SAT to 2100+?</p>

<p>I had somewhat similar extracurriculars- a club officer, member of several community service clubs, NHS, Spanish Honor Society, golf and basketball team, a few different jobs, and I got 2220 on SATs (750 math, 680 reading, 790 writing), 3.9 unweighted GPA, 4.4 weighted, and I got the Dickinson scholarship, which is $20,000 a year. So you might be able to get that or the Dean’s scholarship, which is $16,000 a year.</p>

<p>Sweet, thanks for the info!</p>