How much of a Senior Slide is too much?

So I got into the Honors College in the University of Alabama with a Presidential Scholarship, but I’m kind of worried about my grades. I am in 3 AP classes, but am really struggling in AP Calculus BC which I have a C- in. I have an A- in French 4, an A- in AP Biology, a B in AP government, a B+ in intro to video production, and a B- in English. With the semester coming to a close, I am getting pretty nervous. Are these grades low enough to warrant them revoking their scholarship? Weighted it comes out to about a 3.22, and I am kind of nervous that they won’t be happy judging I’m coming off of a 3.96 cumulative. If I work my butt off next semester and get maybe a 3.75 or something, will that be OK? Or have I screwed myself over. My friends tell me not to worry because it’s Alabama and not Northwestern or Yale or something, I’m from Minnesota, and that I should only be worried if I’m failing classes, but after nightmare stories I’ve heard of kids getting their scholarships/admissions rescinded, should I be concerned?

I think you’re fine as long as that C- doesn’t drop to a D

Here’s my issue:

These are college classes, and you’re a few months away from college.

Why the slide? Is it that you’re in over your head academically? That could be a problem?

Or is it senioritis-- you’ve simply stopped caring?

A single drop in a single course is one thing, but you seem to be indicating that ALL your grades have dropped. As both a teacher and a parent, I find that concerning, and I’m guessing that your schools might share my concerns.

So, back to my basic question: WHY the slide?

Well my grade in English has gone up as has my video production. AP Calc has been extremely challenging and I am struggling to grasp some of the topics. As for my other classes, AP Bio is also very challenging, and I have made some poor decisions in my other classes mainly just forgetting to do certain things. Anyways, I am not trying to slide, but I have just had a rough first semester. I plan on working extremely hard next semester in order to have better grades. However, are the grades really that bad?

Well I sure hope that it doesn’t. That class has been a living hell.

What is your major at UA ? The reason why I ask will you be going into a major that you will need advanced Math

I am planning on double majoring in finance and accounting. Right now I just have finance. However, I will ask the counselor how to declare a double major. Not sure if this is possible, but… I did end up getting a C in that Calc BC class and plan to spend more time this semester on it to make sure I can master it.

@Imjdad1 ^

@lmjdad1 ^^

@bjkmom I ended up getting a C in Calc BC and got my AP Gov grade up to a B+, my English up to a B, and my intro to video production to an A- so I think this is better, am I right?

@bjkmom and my AP Bio and French remained at A-

I think you’re okay as long as you’re not getting Ds

@michigander1234 Thanks. It seems like this is what many other people online have been saying too

When you get to UA you should make use of the ENGenuity Lab in Paty. The tutoring there will help you with your Calc classes. It’s aimed at engineering students but anyone going through the Calc sequence will find it useful.

@AlbionGirl Thanks for the tip!

You won’t need more advanced math for finance or accounting. You’ll need statistics, but that’s easier than Calc.

@chb088 Yes, plus I am now starting to understand Calc more so I think I’ll be able to pass that AP exam