How much printing does an undergrad nursing student typically do?

<p>Just curious. My school offers 1,000/semester free so I just wanted to know If I will exceed that or not even come close to that.</p>

<p>1000 what? Pages? 2000 pages per year should be plenty!</p>

<p>That’s insane! You definitely won’t need more than that unless you print everything – as in things you need, don’t need, and just feel like printing!</p>

<p>I suggest bringing your own printer anyway. My school offers 500 pages/semester so I didn’t bring one at first, but the school printers are old and slow etc. It’s so much nicer and more convenient to have a printer in your room for your regular printing needs…and then when you have longer things to print, use the school’s.</p>

<p>Plenty for any major I’d think! The key is whether the printers are easy to access and open late at night. Sometimes there are printers in the dorms which is ideal.</p>