<p>I watch three shows religiously- Prison Break, Gossip Girl and re-runs of Friends. And that's about it. So I guess I watch an hour of T.V on tuesdays (Prison break) and Wednesday (Gossip girl on Youtube). And everyday I watch about half an hour of Friends.
I hope all you guys find time to watch T.V coz it's more important than grades.:D (kidding)</p>
<p>i watch Dexter and Desperate Housewives. that’s all.</p>
<p>I don’t watch TV on TV, like, ever. But sometimes I watch recorded episodes of The Office and The Big Bang Theory.</p>
<p>I watch less TV this year than I have in the past (except when I’m sick). I watch Gossip Girl (Mondays@8), Survivor (Thursdays@8) and Desperate Housewives (Sundays@9) religiously. And if I have time while I’m doing something else I watch Gilmore Girls (favorite<3) at 5 on weekdays.
<p>None, not even movies.</p>
<p>^please be kidding.</p>
<p>I watch The Office and House. I used to watch Prison Break and 24.</p>
<p>I don’t watch TV at all.</p>
Hahaha, no.
I spend my time doing quality activities.</p>
<p>Just the sports network in the morning to keep updated.</p>
<p>Yeah, ironmetal, quality activities (NO TV) ftw!</p>
<p>i watch one tree hill religiously… like at least an episode a day</p>
<p>I never watch any programs or shows on TV itself, but I do like watching South Park on the internet.</p>
<p>i watch 1 tv. :)</p>
<p>I catch 30 Rock and The Office is I get the opportunity, but one show that I do watch ABSOLUTELY every single new episode of is Saturday Night Live. I haven’t missed an episode since 3 years ago.</p>
<p>And I turn on Food Network, CNN and MTV tons.</p>
<p>Sportscenter lol</p>
<p>i watch TV all the time
do you guys seriously have so much homework and stuff going outside of school u can’t sit down and relax for like an hour or two
<p>I love tv–especially past shows.
Right now I’m watching old episodes of Felicity online. This past summer I saw every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as the BEST SHOW EVER!) and it’s spin-off, Angel. I liked the two shows so much that I think I might ask for them for my birthday on DVD…
As far as shows that are currently airing Gossip Girl and Heroes are pretty much it. I used to watch Grey’s Anatomy but I just don’t have the time anymore…</p>
<p>Since it varies, I’m just going to put hours.</p>
<p>I’m not a huge TV fanatic, so not that much - about an hour daily, maybe 2 on weekends.</p>
<p>I’m more of a computer/gaming freak when it comes to the realm of technology/household entertainment purposes.</p>
<p>I haven’t watched tv for the past like 3 weeks. :(</p>