<p>There is one class that I truly don't like and have no interest in. I am not doing great in this class either. Should I withddraw class if I can't expect an A from this class?</p>
<p>I am thinking about applying for Harvard Law in the future. (I know you guys want to tell me that I don't have a 4.0. But there are ppl who get in without 4.0's. Our school is pretty tough on grading.)</p>
<p>Right now I am a junior and my GPA is 3.88 and go to one of the top schoos in the US NEWS ranking. (One of the Nerdy Nine if you know what that is. lol) I bought a recent LSAT test and scored 170. I know I need to score higher, so I'm studying for it.</p>
<p>I already have three withdrawals with decent reasons.
1: Changed my major and my advisor advised me to withdraw. It was only one credit anyway
2: The professor stopped coming to class and we didn't know our grades at all. The class was just complete mess. It seems that everybody ended up getting A's and B's
3: School changed the teacher without notifying us and the teacher that we were supposed to have was known to be the best English teacher. I took that class just to take him.</p>
<p>So would withdrawing hurt my admissions dramatically?</p>