How Short? Haircuts for Women during Plebe Summer

<p>How short can women cut their hair for plebe summer? I've heard talk of the longest you can have it (above the collar), but how short can you go? The shorter I can go, the more likely I'll be able to donate to Locks of Love and hearing what I have heard, I'm planning on going as short as they'll let me, so how high/short can it be?</p>

<p>I'm not sure there is an answer to your question, simply because the 'shortest' hair cut is a shaved head! And I don't know of any female Plebe ever pulling a 'GI Jane' look, and for good reason. You DO NOT want to stand out in any way as a new Plebe and so my suggestion is that you plan on cutting your hair to about 2-3 inches below the bottom of your ears. That's about the length my mid did it before her I'day and yes, she donated a long lock to Locks of Love. She is now a Youngster and surprisingly her hair is not mid-shoulder length already. Many female mids just continue to grow their hair after Plebe summer. It is much easier to meet grooming standards when you can pull your hair back into a bun and roll it neatly. I can send you a picture of my mid's hair cuts...the one she did on her own prior to I-Day and the one she had on I-day. email me at <a href=""></a> if you have any interest</p>

<p>There's something I didn't think of -- I'll keep that in mind.</p>

<p>It has to be 2 inches all over. There was a girl who shaved her head and got a lot of **** for it. During the AcYear you can get away with it but I think it looks awful. I saw a girl in my batt who just got what looks like a high and tight and she looks like a guy from the back. Don't go really short, it makes you look like a guy and in this place where there is such a lack of femininity I would say don't do it. And you don't want to get mistaken for a guy from behind, or even in front because with BCGs and white works it's hard to tell when girls have ridiculously short hair. It also spreads the notion of butchy girls at the academy. I cut my hair right below my ears and donated it all to locks of love about 14 inches. It's currently at my shoulders.</p>

<p>Thanks for the imput. I'm thinking of going shorter than ear/jaw length, but not shaved. I won't cut my hair until May anyway -- I'll post pictures when I do it though =)</p>

<p>I just hate it because my hair is a lot easier to take care of when it's longer. When it's short I basically have a fro and it gets out of control.</p>

<p>It wil be dirty enough all the way through Plebe Summer that the fro will be calmed down. Both my dd and Peskemom's dd had fros for the first day... And their hair is all lovely and long again--and really curly when they let it loose at spring break!</p>

<p>yup have that right! Trust me usna2k12...and others... during Plebe summer you will have way too much to think about besides how your hair looks! And all the girls look as best/worst as one can with their initial hair cuts anyway.Survival has a way of reducing you to life's basics!
Hang in there and you'll do just fine. :-)</p>

<p>Eh. Fros are in anyway. :o)</p>

<p>i'm a plebe now, and i don't think i've ever heard this question asked. there is only one plebe girl that i've seen with a, more or less, buzz cut. she is oftentimes mistaken for a guy. i cut mine into a nice, short bob about chin length. you get to go to Waves, the hair salon, 3 times between i-day and reform, and i had to cut my hair each time. however annoying it was to cut off my much valued growth, my hair is below my shoulders now! i still do see a lot of girls, upperclass and plebes alike, with short hair. that is personal preference, i suppose. but in my opinion, i'm glad that i cut my hair to the length i did. it was still easy to take care of and long enough to pull back for pep or other evolutions like that.</p>

<p>someone mentioned drawing attention to yourself with really short hair. yes, i would imagine the cadre having a field day with that. but in all honesty, girls look like boys anyway over plebe summer, so we all just deal with it! good luck with the haircut, and good luck with plebe summer!</p>

<p>I still think it would be easier to control if I didn't have to cut it. I got yelled at a lot because there was too much and it would get in my face even with berets and such. Oh well, it's a tradition that will continue on unlike some.</p>

<p>i definitely agree with jacktraveler. but, we were allowed to use elastics for PEP and when we wore cammies, or did stuff that was absolutely physical. i guess only when we did like hallway MPT and stuff we couldn't, because sometimes we were still in whiteworks... eeek.</p>

<p>I understand that for incoming female plebes, their hair must not touch the back of the collar. Does that rule apply for the duration of the summer, or just on I-Day? Do you have mandatory hair cuts during plebe summer? My daughter is trying to decide just how short to cut her hair. Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>As far as I know the hair regulation for females only pertains to I-Day. Hair is the last thing you want to worry about during Plebe Summer. It is best if female Midshipman get their hair cut by a "professional" prior to I-Day. You don't want someone to cut your hair that has about three minutes to complete the job. My daughter had hers cut to regulation length prior to I-Day and never had a problem (did locks of love). They will sit down at the barber shop on I-Day and if they comply to regulations someone will pass a scissor over their head and yell next. They can grow their hair out during Plebe Summer and first year as long as they can keep it up and within regulations. It's been one year and she has not had it cut.</p>

<p>Per Mother: If you are worried about frizzy hair have a chemical relaxer done. It lasts for about six months and costs about $200 Dollars.</p>

<p>It's all summer. There are 3 visits to the barber shop where they check your hair and if it's too long it gets cut again.</p>

<p>Would agree to have your locks cut at home- and donate them if you can! </p>

<p>The regulation is no longer than 2 inches in length, measured from the scalp. </p>

<p>The male mids have to go for manditory haircuts during plebe summer. It is my understanding the female mids go as well- and trimmed accordingly. If your hair grows quickly, consider having it cut a tad shorter prior to reporting to avoid getting a "touch up" in the "beauty shop!" </p>

<p>Please ladies- do not buzz or shave your head---- it will bring you attention of the "unwanted" kind, and it will not be looked upon favorably by anyone. It may have worked for Demi Moore, but it will not fly right on the yard, especially on I-Day.</p>

<p>Hair regulations last for the duration of Plebe Summer. I showed up on I-day with my hair already cut within regulations, and I didn't have to have it cut that day. However, it really depends on who you get in the "barber" section. My roommate showed up with regulation hair, and she was told that everyone had to get a cut. So her hair was cut even more, and it was butchered pretty badly.</p>

<p>You will only get haircuts if your hair grows, honestly. I had three haircuts during Plebe Summer, and I was the only girl in Foxtrot company who had to have a hair cut even once. Everyone goes down to the beauty salon, though, so you can file your nails, get your head massaged, the works.</p>

<p>As soon as the Academic Year starts, females will be allowed to put their hair up... which is an amazing relief. A lot of plebes, though, choose to keep their hair short throughout the year because they think it is easier to deal with. I decided to grow my hair out and it is already past my shoulders :-)</p>

<p>Good luck with Plebe Summer and if there are any more questions, feel free to PM.</p>

<p>Whatever you do, get a cut/style that is EASY to care for. During plebe summer, you'll be lucky to wash your hair, let alone style. The ONLY days during plebe summer I used a blow dryer were Sundays. Most of the time, it was wet. And, you have to deal with "hat head" -- the dent you get from wearing your cover all day in the heat and humidity. Bottom line: your hair will always look bad and you won't care.</p>

<p>And agree that you should skip the "buzz cut." Just get some short style that requires little maintenance. It's only for 3 months. You have the rest of your life to wear it differently.</p>

<p>Every day over plebe summer we washed our hair. We had to take showers every morning after PEP and after MPT so don't worry about not getting time to do that. I always had time to shower and condition my hair ( i think I used the 2 in 1 stuff) even though we only got 3 minutes to do it and 20 minutes or so over all to shower, learn rates, get dressed, and get on a bulk head. I don't know anyone who blow dried their hair ever but if you want to take that time go for it.</p>