<p>Hey everybody. One of the colleges I'm applying to is Pratt Institute and their personal statement requires I answer this question: Why do you want to attend Pratt and what do you hope to accomplish from your education? </p>
<p>It's an easy question, but there's a lot of stuff you could write there. I was just wondering, how exactly do I start these types of essays? I know it has to be different and it has to stand out. I'm either going to talk about my american idol audition or my brother. Both have helped me grow and discover new stuff about myself. Should I write a really inspiring and different essay or do I just need to answer the question with the typical cliches? </p>
<p>Uh, why would you write about american idol or your brother? </p>
<p>Unless you can really tie that in to a great Why essay, I wouldn’t do that. </p>
<p>For Why essays, it’s more important to sound sincere than worry about being cliched. A lot of people will talk about the Core Curriculum for Columbia, to give an example, but the ones who connect it to themselves on a personal level will stand out.</p>
<p>You always should avoid cliches, but you do not have to be inspiring-exactly. Just make it sound unique- after all, nobody else is like YOU and you have your own reasons for why you want to attend Pratt. Most people start off with a hook. You can start in a narrative style as if you are in the audition for AI, or maybe in the middle of a conversation with your brother, OR you can even just state something simple like: “I’ve always been a singer. Ever since blahblah…” etc. But just make sure you get in why you want to attend the school. That is the most important part.</p>
<p>123321: Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking of writing but wasn’t sure. It seems like a stupid topic (the american idol thing or my brother) but I know why I wanna write about it - believe me, I got the subject. It will answer the question perfectly once I fully develop it of course. Really, your answer totally helped! I’m going with the hook.Thanks a lot!</p>
<p>I remember that essay when I applied to Pratt years ago. Not sure where you live, but I wrote how Pratt is a subway stop away from NYC and I wanted to be an artist in NY. You will be living in an Urban envoirment and they want to hear how you will take advantage of that while you are at Pratt. Brooklyn now is very exciting, and lots of energy right now. Williamsburg is a stones throw from Pratt some amazing artists are coming out of there, besides there are really cool clubs there. Its also a very diverse area and if you are the sort of person that will be influenced by some new experiances, I would also discuss that.</p>
<p>Thanks a bunch. It really does help that you’ve applied to Pratt. The tips fit me perfectly well, I’m definitely open to everything around and the urban enviroment.</p>