<p>Eh, why not.
70.(1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445(...)) inches ;)
Age - 14 years, 0 months.</p>
<p>Female, 17</p>
<p>male 6'3''</p>
<p>female, 17, 5'3"</p>
<p>5'5", Ya, I'm short.</p>
<p>Female: 5'8.5"</p>
<p>I'm male .</p>
<p>female. 18 yrs. 5'7. ASIAN :eek:</p>
<p>Asian male. 5' 4''. </p>
<p>I'd like to believe I'm 5' 5''.</p>
<p>People generally stop growing at 25.</p>
<p>There's still hope!</p>
<p>Female, 17, 5'4", blonde, blue eyes.
Likes long walks on the beach and stimulating conversation. </p>
<p>male, 15, 5'7 -5'8, my twin is the same =) (although sometiems we differ, but the other always catches up)</p>
<p>Female, 18 and 5'10</p>
<p>The sad thing is that I may still be growing (I was 5'9 last year). Oh well <em>sigh</em></p>
<p>Male, 17, 6'1"</p>
<p>age 17
173 cm with flat hair, 177 cm on a typical day :D</p>
<p>male, 17</p>
<p>age 17
<p>I'm the world's ginormous Asian female</p>
<p>female 5'4 shortshortshort</p>
<p>Age 19
5'10 - Male</p>
<p>19 years old </p>
<p>6' 9" Male</p>