how to choose a college major..

<p>I am a freshman in college GPA in school was 4.0 and had a high sat score...............</p>

<p>my problem is that right now i am not sure about a major ...i am very good in the natural siences and math and at the same time i have a hugh love for humanities , history and politics ... Moreover , I am an accomplishd musician and have won many prizes ...</p>

<p>right now i started taking science courses in the university but still cant choose a major ..
what study can mix all my interests together ? what do you advise me guys ?</p>

<p>I would major in a money-maker (e.g., sciences or comp sci) and minor in the humanities. Musicians are especially good at computer science, which can be applied in almost any area.</p>

<p>You might want to seriously try mathematics. Very good foundation to have, and you may, being a musical mind who also claims to be into math, discover you like abstract math, decide to go to grad school, or something like that. The thing with math is that it’s foundational material to grad school in sciences like physics. And it can’t hurt you for CS either. </p>

<p>Rather than picking a more specific science or engineering, try math. If you want a lucrative career, either find a focus in a practical subject, or try careers like actuary. </p>

<p>Note that musicians can grow to greatly enjoy abstract mathematics.</p>

<p>If you really are a jack of all trades, you might as well major in something lucrative.</p>