<p>So, I'm wanting to email/Facebook/skype some students at several colleges and interview them about their experience with their school's program and I'm kinda lost on how to go about this. So far, I've just been randomly emailing club leaders and whatnot and hoping for the best, but that might come off as a little creepy (I apologize if you got an email like that, if it's me, then I tried to be as non-creepy as possible about it).</p>
<p>There’s a group on Facebook called The Allied, and its specifically for students of the college class of 2017 who are looking to major in MT/Acting/Performing in college. There’s a list of current students on the page of almost any BFA/BA Mt program you can name who are more than happy to talk to you. More often than not, they’re super friendly and will go out of their way to help you. That’s the best resource I’ve come across so far!</p>
<p>Thanks so much! This looks great! Any other ideas, in case this doesn’t work? (Because I’m a problem-solver who will keep trying different things until I reach my goal, not because your suggestion wasn’t brilliant, Musical Maniacs).</p>
<p>Contact the heads of the programs in which you are interested and ask if they would be willing to put you in contact with current students via email. While I get these requests most frequently from students who have already auditioned and been admitted, I do sometimes get requests before then, and am always happy to connect prospective students with current.</p>
<p>If you are interested in Coastal Carolina, my daughter, MT 2015, has been doing weekly videos on youtube since she started last year. Each week, she talks about her classes, auditions, college in general, etc. If you, or anyone, would like to watch, send me a PM or email and I’ll send you her channel info.</p>