How to get into Harvard

<p>As you probably know, I am a curious person.</p>

<p>If there is anyone on here who has completed the application process for Harvard, can you kindly let us know what your resume looks like. We know Harvard looks for a diverse student body but just to get an idea. Right now I'm led to believe that all Harvard students are like gods before us puny citizens of the world. </p>

<p>It has really been driving me up the wall. Eve</p>

<p>So anyone who has been there, be free to share!</p>

<p>^ I know a lot of people who go to Harvard and I think it’s HILARIOUS that everyone assumes that they’re super geniuses who will one day rule the world. Literally I laughed out loud thinking about them as I read your post. hehehehe!</p>

<p>the Harvard people I know are no more extraordinary than anyone else I know.</p>

<p>The people I know who are at Harvard are indeed intelligent - above average - but they’re not superior to everyone else… I don’t know anyone who has found that cure for cancer yet to earn their way in.</p>

<p>but, I do know of some that published best selling novels.</p>

<p>I know someone at Harvard that has consumed two bottles of everclear and performed 26 consecutive hits from a gravity bong. In the space of an hour. Yes…he DID have to go to the hospital. And yes…he IS awesome.</p>


Right now I’m led to believe that all Harvard students are like gods before us puny citizens of the world.


<p>Yes, they are all gods, but there were a lot of different greek gods.</p>

<p>They are looking for people that differentiate themselves. Community activities, accomplishments, experiences, etc.</p>

<p>A kid who grows up in the inner city, and is the first person in his family to attend college. If that kid scores well in tests and takes a reasonably hard high school classes, my guess is that s/he would be a shoe-in for admissions.</p>

<p>Think of it this way: Other than “I’m a smart kid”, what is your “story”? What makes you stand out in a sea of perfect SAT/ACT scores?</p>

<p>What did you overcome?
What have you achieved?
How have you used your abilities to help others?</p>

<p>If you have lived a life crusing through classes and playing video games in your free time, you might have a tough time distinguishing yourself. But, if you have done something with your life, you just might make the cut.</p>



<p>Oh that guy? I met him, he’s a dirtbag.</p>