How to get Regents Scholarship

<p>Do you know what are the most important factors in getting a Regents Scholarship for UCs? Like specifically UC berkeley, UCSD, and UCD?
Let’s say I’m not low income or first gen, just a comfortable upper middle class girl.
What type of GPA and SAT should I score for? How about extracurriculars? Do they care about real involvement or just titles? Finally does the essay have a part in any of it? What do they like reading the essays about? I know most of you won’t have answers to all the questions unless you’re super-spies of the college admissions offices or actually the officers but it would be nice if anyone who did get the regents scholarship did. I really want to be able to aid and first choice classes so i won’t spend more than 4 years in college and be a financial burden to my parents. On a happy note, Obama signed a bill lowering the interest rates for college loans :smiley: Hip hip hooray!</p>

<p>Hopefully someone who better remembers (UCB??) will chime in here, but if I remember correctly, Regents at Berkeley and maybe UCLA isn’t much money unless you are lowish income. </p>

<p>Anyway, to get Regents at the top tier UCs, your stats would likely have to be perfect, near perfect…because they have too many “high stats” kids already. </p>

<p>What are your stats?</p>

<p>Just checked Berkeley’s website…you have to submit FAFSA for consideration…</p>

<p>Regents Honorary Scholarship: Students without financial need receive a $2,500 honorary award.</p>

<p>So, unless you have need, the award isn’t much.</p>

<p>Even with lower interest rates, YOU can’t borrow much…only 5500 for frosh year.</p>

<p>*I really want to be able to aid and first choice classes so i won’t spend more than 4 years in college and be a financial burden to my parents. *</p>

<p>Ask your parents how much they will spend each year. YOu need to know this. </p>

<p>Also, apply to some schools that FOR SURE will give you large merit for stats.</p>

<p>Regents’ scholars are typically chosen from among the top applicants for a given UC campus.</p>

<p>At Berkeley, the Regents’ scholarship monetary amount is $2,500 for those without financial need, and replaces the student contribution for those with need (effectively replaces about $8,500 of loans and work-study with additional grant for the needier students).</p>

<p>Other campuses may have different amounts. For example, the honorarium amount for non-needy students is $2,000 per year at UCSD but $6,000 per year at UCSB.</p>

<p>Petra, what state do you live in? From your other posts, you are looking to go to out of state publics. There is very little money to be had for OOS folks at most publics. One exception is Alabama - have you looked at their website?</p>

<p>Also, to find out about the other schools you’ve posted about: all of the schools have websites that give details about financial aid and scholarships. Go to the school sites and use their search engines.</p>

<p>Berkeley defines needy as below $140k family income. That’s fairly middle class.</p>

<p>I’d rather not give away any details, sorry about that. But thank you for the help anywas KKmama. Thank you everyone, for giving me the financial info. Still, I want to know the exact process of choosing a regents candidate. I can’t really figure out from the threads. What is the biggest factor? Essay or stats?</p>

<p>Is it much more difficult to get Regents at UCB and UCLA? I wasn’t a Regents Scholar and I didn’t apply to the other UC’s so I’m curious.</p>

<p>Yes, supposedly it is more difficult to get Regents at UCB and UCLA.</p>

<p>I want to get the scholarship, also im a transfer student from a CCC , what are some people stats for this? are CCC transfer given priority over incoming freshman similar to the admission process?</p>

<p>What I remember, from back in 2008, is that they sent out letters to potential candidates around early February (~2000). Then select ~ 200 after the interviews. </p>

<p>This year, I am also wondering about the stats for the top 2000 or so.</p>