How to improve my chances of getting into UC Davis and/or UCLA?

During freshman year, I was lazy and I just didn’t care. I took 3 AP/Honors classes: Geometry Honors, AP Environmental Science and English 1 Honors. But I was lazy and I hardly tried and ended up with a 3.4 & 3.2 W GPA and no extracurriculars. (Under 3.0 UW) Currently, sophomore year, I’m taking 2 AP/Honors classes (AP World & Eng 2 honors), I’m in 7 clubs, and I am on the JV Badminton team. First semester I got a 3.6 W and 3.2 UW, which is horrible, I get that. But I feel that, if I try and work hard enough, maybe I will make it. I’m trying to work on my time management and procrastination. Does anyone have tips on how to boost my grades, time management skills, good ECs, etc?

It’s okay that you didn’t do too well freshmen year as long as you progress and show improvement.

I recommend keeping only 1-2 clubs (Try to be a part of the club board if possible and manageable) and stay with badminton throughout high school. Your academic record has shown that your time has been spent on things that aren’t as relevant to UCs as well as other universities (extracurricular activities) instead of academics. This should boost your grade significantly with the more time you have to understand the material thoroughly. Don’t be in the mindset that your extracurricular activities will “makeup” your poor academic record-- it wouldn’t. Extra activities won’t hurt your application but if it becomes a burden to your academics, you have to let some go for sure.

Make sure to take classes you’re interested in or wouldn’t mind learning in. For example, if you absolutely dread math/histroy/whatever subject, don’t take the honors/AP class of that subject. You will get bored and once you fall behind, it’ll be very unrewarding and the class will become an unmotivator.

One tip I have for managing your time is to make to-do lists, schedules, and also keep a planner. Make sure to do weekly reviews of your classes and stay on top of things. Good luck, UC Davis and UCLA are tough but you can always transfer in from a CC! :smile:

Start with cutting yourself some slack. A 3.6 is a pretty good GPA - especially without trying hard. In fact, i suggest it shows you’ve got pretty solid time management skills.

A few suggesttions:

  • Dump some of the time consuming ECs and focus on the ones you like most.
  • Take honors/AP where you know you’ll do well. An A in regular English is better than a C in Honors
  • Take some classes you’ll enjoy and know you’ll do well in. Your UC GPA is straight math… includes only a-g classes in grades 10-11, an A is an A. So, skip PE 'til Sr year and do
  • Follow the A-G guide and be sure to complete all the requirements
    Use that link to find your highschool and be sure which classes check which box.
  • Keep in mind, your freshman GPA carries little to no weight so you aren't in as deep of a hole as it seems
  • Don't fixate on a single school, it may blind you to others that might be a better fit.
  • Neither of these schoos is cheap. Think about the money now. If you expect your parents to pay - ASK THEM NOW how much they are willing to pay. Understand the likelihood and magnitude of aid you might receive and don't just plan to borrow.
  • Take the PSAT/SAT ASAP. You can take it over and over but, the math section only goes through Algebra 2 which you are probably taking now. It will help you bracket yourself. For UCLA, you'll need 2100+, UCD, around 2000.

Change your mind-set. You have done a great job so far! Really that 3.6 is nothing to apologize for - keep up the effort, narrow your focus a bit and i am confident you’ll be admitted into a very good school.

Good luck.

One other thought - tour both (take an organized tour) while school is in session. They are both very large campuses and they are populated with driven students. You may love that - or you may not…