How to know if it's too much?

<p>I’m an incoming freshman, and as it stands I will taking part in MDB in the fall, Emerging Scholars in the Spring, and Blount and Mallet Assembly year round. I have also applied for Freshman Forum, a spot as a Source Team Member, and have inquired into the First Year Council. While I have no doubts about my work habits and my enthusiasm to succeed, I can’t help but wonder if all this is pushing it a little, especially considering I haven’t even gotten to campus yet. Does anyone have any thoughts as to whether or not they think this would be manageable while keeping up my grades (for what it’s worth, my schedule is far from being “intense”), or perhaps anyone who has engaged themselves similarly? I’ve always heeded the advice to “try everything” and stick with what you like, so this is my attempt at it. Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>i don’t know anything about some of the things you mentioned, but it kinda does look like too much to me. there will also going to be other things you will be interested in when you get there.</p>

<p>i am sure you would be able to handle it, but it would also be fine to leave some free time and see what develops.</p>

<p>MDB and ES are in different semesters, so that’s good. </p>

<p>I don’t know how much time Mallet takes. </p>

<p>Does Blount give any guidelines for time demands?</p>

<p>You need to protect your GPA for your scholarships.</p>

<p>The “try everything” advice is good, as long as you re focused. A number of those things (Mallet/Blount,Fresh Forum, First Year Council) sound similar, but in different areas. </p>

<p>Remember, not only do you need to keep grades up, you need to have a little fun. Save space for that, it is important.</p>

<p>What is 'Source Team Member"? What is “First Year Council”? Never even heard these things mentioned? Thanks so much!</p>

<p>I don’t think that as a regular member of Mallet too much is required however, if you were an officer that might be different. Currently, there doesn’t seem to be many events on their calendar, maybe that will change once the semester begins.
Do you know that there is an application to join The Mallet Assembly? Are you planning to live in Mallet? I would check out their page.</p>

<p>One word of caution I can offer is that some of the activities/clubs/organizations may have meeting conflicts, so you may need to choose between one or more items that hold your interest. My son, for example, has had weeks where he has three straight meetings following classes and does not do dinner until 10 p.m. Fortunately, after his first year, he did not have labs. Still, when he called, it would often be walking from one meeting to another. It’s nice to get involved, but do not get overwhelmed. Not only do you need to protect your GPA but your health.</p>

<p>M2CK- I have known of people to leave Blount because of its work load, but I think by and large it’s manageable.
buzymom- [The</a> Source | Where Do You Fit In?](<a href=“]The”>
[First</a> Year Council | SGA at UA - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]First”>First Year Council - Student Government Association) check out these websites; they have your answers
robotbldmom- yes, i’ve already applied and completed my interview, but thank you!</p>

<p>Great, good luck then!!</p>

<p>There are students, notably some “driven” freshmen, who participate in multiple programs and are successful at doing so. My advice is to see what works for you and go from there. Remember that your health is most important, so don’t overwork yourself.</p>

<p>Best of Luck and Roll Tide!</p>