<p>I know that we aren't allowed to submit the Common App without choosing an essay topic/uploading something under the "Writing" essay section. How do I submit the application if I've already submitted the community essay in the supplement? Should I just upload a placeholder document?</p>
<p>why didn’t you just use the app straight from the jhu website instead if you werent gonna use the commonapp essay?</p>
<p>I’ve already submitted the supplement through Common App, and all of my teacher recs are on there also. Am I able to transfer all that info over?</p>
<p>If you’re absolutely stuck–I would submit it under the common app essay under topic of your choice and specify that it was the JHU prompt on top or something.</p>
<p>But that’s just a guess on my part. Good luck!</p>
<p>you can change the common app to have like 2 versions of it, thats how I did my JHU application because the main essay that I had for the common app was what I would basically write for the second supplement question (the required one) so then I put a different essay for the main one. Look in the FAQ section or something like that on the common app, its not too difficult to find the answer.</p>
<p>hope that helps!</p>
<p>"hen applying online with the Common Application, how do I submit the forms if I am not doing one of the essays?
This is very simple. If you choose to do both the JHU essays, then when submitting the Common Application, just write “Submitting JHU communities essay” in the box for the Common Application essay upload.</p>
<p>If you choose to submit the Common Application essay only, then when submitting the JHU supplement, just write “Submitting Common Application essay” in the box for the JHU Essay #1 upload."</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/johns-hopkins-university/625281-all-your-questions-about-jhu-s-essay-policies-answered-here-please-read.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/johns-hopkins-university/625281-all-your-questions-about-jhu-s-essay-policies-answered-here-please-read.html</a></p>