<p>Um, the execs at Hertz and Kraft and Proctor and Gamble and Johnson&Johnson and Marriott and so forth aren’t “working for 1%-ers.” Many of them ARE 1%-ers. </p>
<p>Outside of the finance world, I don’t think anybody thinks anything at all about the relative worth of either of these things.</p>
<p>That article speaks to me far more about the uncertainty that college students feel about entering the working world, than about anything to do with Wall Street. It’s hard to fight against. I remember in law school, when firms would come interviewing on campus, everyone would go to those interviews even if they had always sworn they would never work for a big firm. I went to law school specifically in order to work in the nonprofit field, and yet I succumbed as well. The validation of having someone recruit you is very powerful.</p>