How will notifications be delivered??

<p>Does anyone know exactly how notifications will be delivered? Will they be by e-mail (personal, home e-mail address) or will we have to log onto Axcess? When will everyone start looking since the 15th is a Saturday, or does that even matter? </p>


<p>You get it through your normal email. Last year the email was sent around 3:00 PST and I remember getting it around 3:30 ish.</p>

<p>Floppy....on the 14th or the 15th?</p>

<p>The admissions office will not be open on a Saturday. You should expect it the 14th.</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>Stanford's form email did say 'before the 15th' so I am guessing like everyone else the 14th, since that's the friday. I suppose I just have to wait for my daughter to think about her email while she's at school, and hopefully remember to call me :(</p>