How will this increase my chances at getting into UMiami (Frost)!?

<p>I'm a sophomore and go to one of the top 100 high schools in the country. I want to major in music performance at Frost very, very bad, and right now I'm torn between a decision that will affect the rest of my high school career, junior and senior year. </p>

<p>I have the chance to apply to what something in my school called the Alternative School, where I will take my Social Studies and English classes (not in the regular high school), work weekly at an internship of my choice (in NYC) for at least 50 hours a year, fulfill 4 community service projects a year, create a 2-3 hour research-based presentation as a final project, and more. People in this program do indeed get into great colleges, but I am not sure how it will affect my likelihood with getting into UMiami/Frost since I do not have the <em>greatest</em> transcript in the world.</p>

<p>Freshman year (4 Quarters, Final Exam):
Math: C, C, C-, D+, B
Earth Science: A, A-, B, B, B
English: B, B, C+, B, B
Multimedia: A, A, A+, A+
Global: A, A-, A, B+, B+
Music Tech (1/2 year): A, A</p>

<p>Sophomore Year (Only 2 Quarters so far):
Italian: A-, B
Photography: A, A+
English: B, B
Biology: B, A-
Math: C, B
Global 2: A, A-</p>

<p>I'm going to work very hard for the remainder of the year, all around improving. Do you think that my chance at getting it will be greater if I do the Alternative School Program, or stay in the regular high school? This is how my schedules over the next two years would compare:</p>

<p>Junior (WITH Alternative School):
AP Biology
Italian 2
Alternative School for the remainder of the day (Two choices out of classes such as: Harlem Renaissance, Poetry, Cultural Identity, Public Speaking, and multiple Writing Workshops, Political Science, US History and Government, The Holocaust, Man’s Inhumanity to Man, Ethics. ALONG WITH above internships, etc)</p>

<p>Junior (REGULAR):
AP Biology
American History (Possibly AP American History)
Italian 2</p>

<p>Senior (WITH Alternative School):
AP Macroeconomics/AP Law and Government (two half years)
AP Pyschology
Photography 2
AP Music Theory
Alternative School for the remainder of the day (Two choices out of classes such as: Harlem Renaissance, Poetry, Cultural Identity, Public Speaking, and multiple Writing Workshops, Political Science, US History and Government, The Holocaust, Man’s Inhumanity to Man, Ethics. ALONG WITH above internships, etc)</p>

<p>Senior (REGULAR):
Pre Calc
AP Macroeconomics/AP Law and Government
AP Pyschology
Photography 2
History of NYC
Italian 3</p>

<p>I am also doing plenty of extra curriculars (co-creator/president of a club, attend a music school, play baseball, play guitar in school productions, summer workshops, etc)</p>

<p>These are all rough outlines of my future schedules, but please help here!!!! Thank you everyone!!!</p>