<p>Ok, this question bothers you only when you see it on application, but did you ever thought about living as different, I work for one of the best hospitals in the world and I face racism almost daily, not from uneducated ignorant people but from a highly educated doctors, the fact is minorities face great challenges both in education and real life, and they need attention! when I got hired, I already had my license and took my board exam, but I still went through 6 months of training, because everyone wanted to make sure that I am trustworthy! there was 3 white people get hired at the same time, non of them had their license yet, in fact one of them was my classmate and she knew that I was straight A student when she was struggling to make it, and she was supprised how I was being treated, but I could not go anywhere, because everywhere is same, black man has to prove that he knows what his degree certificate says lol it is a fact.</p>