How would you describe yourself survey...

<p>If you were stereotyping yourself, what would you be? We did this at school and it was interesting. Ex. prep, jock, nerd, artsy etc. I would consider myself a prep/jock and my friends agreed. Just for fun :)</p>

<p>prep/jock also :slight_smile:

<p>Me neither! I love to bake really intricate shaped cakes and cook other cool things but thats about it. I also regularly decorate my phone with nail polish. Thats about as artsy as I get haha.</p>

<p>super prep/jock</p>

<p>Do yourselves a favor and don’t apply confining labels to yourselves. You’re all at a young enough age that some random event tomorrow might send you off in a new and beautiful direction - unless you were constrained by a self-imposed straitjacketing label.</p>


<p>Mainer95- calm down, its all in good fun. We’re not going to start hating on each other or cyberbullying b/c of this.</p>

<p>^ i agree Rad in Plaid</p>

<p>I am jyun212
thats my label and it always will be :)</p>

<p>i would say my name but thats getting too personal</p>

<p>Sorry - I’m probably trying too hard to get a lot of parenting out of my system before I (hopefully) have lots less opportunity beginning in September. :)</p>

<p>prep/bookish (atleast at my school I’m a prep and considered bookish)</p>

<p>idk… I’m a little of everything</p>

<p>definatly prep/jock and a bit of a nerd</p>

<p>wow-y’all are all jocky. I guess you are the people I run to the library to avoid. :P. My friends and I are the outcast nerds/bookworms. The ones who do well in school but aren’t teachers best buddies or know it alls. I would’ve thought thered be more nerds on CC. Mabye some of you have false self perceptions or go to a very different school to me lol</p>

<p>Preppy, and teachers favorite haha i doo extremely well but personality makes me more preppyy. haha</p>

<p>Its ok Blue, I have my super nerdy moments :smiley:
But alot of the prep/jocks at my school do really well and make good grades (better grades than some nerds), but aren’t nerds at all, i think it depends on how you define nerd</p>

<p>All of the most popular people talk to me but they always say wow your really smart or your such a good girl</p>

<p>I’m a math and visual arts hater.</p>

<p>I’m often regarded as “The Smart One”, but I usually think of myself as artsy/nerdy.</p>

<p>I hate it when people say I’m “the smart one” it’s like hello! you could be smart too if you actually tried!</p>

<p>psh, i don’t try at all and i’m always the smart one. intellect versus memorizing facts and jotting them down w/o thinking. plus i’m lazy lol</p>