How's Johns Hopkins University's stem cell/orthopedic research?

Is Jhu a school mainly known for its stem cell research? Except for Jhu, are there any places that have more stem cell/orthopedic research, “better” than Jhu?
Is there a recent list/ranking of top or leading universities for research in stem cell/ orthopedic (might it be clinical or basic science)?

@msci11 In what context are you asking? Are you looking at PhD studies? Medical school? Undergrad?

Also the two areas you mention are extremely broad fields and you will need to narrow your topic. “Stem cells” needs to be narrowed down because it’s likely Program A may be at the top in stem cell-mediated spinal injury repair, but it won’t have a fetal genetics program or a cancer research program or burn research program or organ regeneration research program or a disease process research program or Sickle cell research program… Ditto for orthopedics. Your topic is too broad. You need to narrow the focus. And you need to decide of you want clinical or basic science. Most programs aren’t top in both.

I suggest you narrow your focus to a very specific topic and do a PubMed keyword search to find what institutions are generating the largest publication list on the particular topic of interest you select.

There is no rank list for what you’re looking for because your topic is way too general and unfocused…

Too late to add–

you could also run a search on the NIH grant database to see which programs are getting a lot of funding for whatever topic(s) you’re most interested in.

I was thinking about stem cell research in bone regeneration (basic/translational research) or any basic/ translational stem cell research involved in orthopedics just in general

basic/translational orthopedic research

Most definitely question that needs feedback from people in the field or doing allied work. You leave us with zero idea why you ask this. Do you have the skills needed to evaluate what you find via, eg, PubMed or grants lists? Sorry, but I suspect not, if you come to CC with this sort of question. It feels odd to ask this question cold.

Are you affiliated with any U now, professors? Have you even asked any doctors practicing in this arena? Or is this for your own college search? How much of your own reading have you done?

JHU is known for lots of strengths.

This is a question you need ask of those who are working in the same general field. It requires specialized knowledge to answer the question.

Per PubMed most of the work on bone regeneration seems to be coming out of dental/oral-maxillofacial research groups

Try a Google Scholar keyword search for regenerative medicine + orthopedics to see which universities may be working in that area.

Jhu is probably well known for its neuroscience research and bioengineering right? Don’t know what other fields they are well known for . I only know Jhu has the top med school and research, but I don’t know what specifically they are well known for.


Are you currently a college student or a high school student.

year 2 college student