<p>I have to put in my two cents on this.. </p>
<p>First of all, since when does reading have to be overly mentally stimulating? I personally love reading HP because it doesn't require a huge amount of analysis or concentration, you can just mindlessly go through it and get be absorbed by the story at the same time.</p>
<p>For my senior year english research paper, I did the Harry Potter series. We had to analyze it's genre, it's social significance, and do a critical analysis.. you'd be suprised on how much depth there really is in those books.. paper came out to 12 pages by the way and I got an A</p>
<p>I guess the main point of this post is don't get hung up on the books you or someone else reads.. when you get to penn you're going to be confonted with a million different opinions, views, interests and ideas. If you act superior to everyone else and only consider your views as correct, you're going to allienate a lot of people. You don't have to like HP, but respect those who do.</p>