HS Class of 2023 Dance Majors

My daughter is beginning her college application and audition process. Any others out there? I would love to hear where other dance majors are in the process and hear all about their successes along the way. This is all new to us, and I hear it is a long road. A circle of parents to share with would be so helpful!

Fellow '23 Dance Mom here. DS is only applying as a dance major to one college program, but is applying to company trainee programs and to colleges.

He lives away from me, so it’s kind of frustrating trying to keep him on track at times. He comes home for Thanksgiving break today and I reminded him when I visited a couple of weeks ago, that he had videos due to his college dance program and a trainee position December 1 and that he had 13 days to get them done before break. Are they done? Of course not. Arrgh. At least we’ve got 8 x 10’s.

He’s already accepted at one U.S. college, has ED’d to one U.S. college, EA’d to a college dance program (but that pesky video is due December 1) and has applied to 2 Canadian universities. He’s got an audition set up for another dance trainee program in February. There’s a long, long list of colleges and trainee positions that he has yet to apply for.

He’s my third (and last). I also helped my oldest apply to law school a few years ago, so I’ve been through this 3 times before. I knew that it would be the most grueling because of the combination of college and trainee program applications.

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FYI there is a very active group on the social media app that starts with an F called Dance Parents: College Bound