HSF General Scholarship- resume?? Need help!

<p>I got completely stuck on the application when I saw the "upload resume" section. What resume?? Do they mean a typical resume when applying for a job? Because I don't have one, I've never applied for a job and have no work experience.</p>

<p>i'm very confused and I'd really like to continue my application. Any help please!</p>

<p>You don’t need work experience to have a resume, many HS students don’t have any. I am not familiar with the specific resume requirements for the HSF scholarship, so here are some suggestions:</p>

<li><p>Call/email HSF and ask them for what they’re looking for in a resume (guidelines).</p></li>
<li><p>Google or use the Search function here on CC (on the College Admissions forum) for ‘resume’ to find some examples.</p></li>
<li><p>Here is an example from one of my kids, it’s 1 page long and includes:
Name, address, phone number, email address (at the top & centered)
Major Headings:
Education (name of HS, gpa, relevant courses)
Awards & Leadership
Volunteer Activities (give organization and dates)
Technical Skills (these can come from labs, computer programs, etc.)
Work Experience (give job title, organization, responsibilities, hours & dates, supervisor contact information).</p></li>

<p>p.s. I just googled ‘high school resume’ and got lots of hits. Take a look at several of these and choose parts of each that highlight your strong points.</p>

<p>Go to University of Texas’s admission website. They have a sample resume to use for college admissions and great tips.</p>