<p>I guess I would, haha. I could probably think of something original, though...</p>
<p>lets hear it kebree :D</p>
<p>Kebree - get online if u want some AIM fun</p>
<p>um so yeah chat time</p>
Over 500 posts only ...
kebree...you are BLOWING IT!..
F-V-C-K----YOU ILCAPO :mad:</p>
<p>Haha j/k bro :D</p>
<p>you do realize you spelled **** wrong, right?</p>
<p>For Valdez - Chill, K?</p>
<p>dude--if anyone needs to chill its mercury.
dont put the blame on me, astrix-o, im just correctin' the spellin'</p>
<p>besides-you cant read it...its in echo characters...it could say "Haha" for all you know. so dont get ornery, asterix, im not offending anyone.</p>
<p>C&G - you know decisions are near when....
...tempers start flying...
breathe, we'll all be okay</p>
<p>Hey I should have put a j/k there. It was a play on F-V-C-K. Sorry :(</p>
<p>Ooo. The intrigue. The DRAMA!</p>
<p>Let me get some popcorn.</p>
<p><em>grabs a handful of scwaby's popcorn</em></p>
<p>oh so stressful... i wonder if we'll hear any decisions today....</p>
<p>Doubt it. If anyone does get it today it'll be in the surrounding NJ/NY area. Most likely saturday.</p>
<p>But hey, I got plenty of popcorn.</p>
<p>Monday will never come....is anyone else living on a diet of TUMS, lol? I have never been this nervous in my life.</p>
<p>Popcorn solves all.</p>
<p>Pass the popcorn, please. ;)</p>
<p>Gladly .</p>
<p>Did they temporarily ditch the 60 second rule? It seems like I posted in very quick succession a while ago...</p>
<p>Aw, man....no. They didn't. I was hopeful for a second there. I thought they might have had mercy on us what with the decisions falling upon us and all, but no.</p>
<p>And thanks, Schwaby!</p>
<p>oooh, popcorn. Me likey. I'm ready to pull what little hair I have out right now! lol. good times, good times.</p>