<p>Is it just me, or do they send out a ridiculous amount of brochures, booklets, etc.? I mean, is everyone getting this stuff that's applied, or is it general marketing, or is it recruiting? Today I got something called A User's Guide for Students Chicago Life with a letter that says this was produced for our current students, not for prospective students. Is this just general marketing still?</p>
<p>Yessir. .</p>
<p>Hahahaha, I knew I wasn't the only one :)</p>
<p>I'm not complaining!</p>
<p>UofC has the best college mailers by farrrrr. I think they do a great job of getting themselves out there as well as capturing some of the unique qualities of the school in their mailers and such. From the postcard series to "The Life of The Mind," Chicago really nails it. I know I might be biased with Chicago being my 1st choice, but their mail is the only college mail I actually read.</p>
<p>yeah seriously, i've gotten by far the most mail from them and the most detailed and thought out. i told my counselor about the course guide and he said he'd never heard of any other colleges doing that. does everyone get these or just applicants?</p>
<p>I think just applicants, but then again, Chicago knows their audience ;-) I wasn't going to ever pop a promotional DVD in my laptop, no matter how cool the college looked, but course catalog???!!!! so game.</p>
<p>course catalog was glory. end of story</p>
<p>I actually have gotten a full course guide from Cornell, and a few other places which currently slip my mind...it didn't strike me as being unique to Chicago.</p>
<p>And I don't know if any of you are on the NYU mailing list, but the amount of propaganda that NYU sends out puts the presidential ad campaigns to shame.</p>
<p>NYU is nasty. So are RPI and Brandeis. Mail every other day.</p>
<p>I love the coffee stain postcard.</p>
<p>Toastmaster, you are so right about the Brandeis.</p>
<p>I just saw that I had a new e-mail and nearly had a heart attack, because I thought that my regional Chicago rep may have magically responded to me by now, but, alas, it was Brandeis telling me to apply Early Decision.</p>
<p>The coffee-stained postcard is quite magical-- it inspired one of my friends who's still in high school to give me a call and see how I was doing!</p>
<p>I've mentioned before that I did not get the postcards (either they knew I was already smitten or I didn't have good enough scores to get bought) so I do live vicariously on this one.</p>
<p>Have to say that Chicago sent the best mail. Strategically timed so as to maximize the love, and its appeal went straight to S's heart. Kind of reinforced the fit.</p>
<p>S got other course catalogs, but he picked them up at on-campus visits. None gave him warm fuzzies like Chicago's, though.</p>