Humanities psets

<p>ok. so we've all heard about the math psets, the science psets, etc etc...</p>

<p>how about humanities? what are those classes like? are they as hard as their objective counterparts?</p>

<p>Some humanities classes have problem sets -- 24.900 (intro to linguistics) does, for example. Most of them assign papers and reading in lieu of psets.</p>

<p>Some humanities classes are definitely harder than others. It's possible to pick and choose classes so you'll only take the easiest ones -- this is my boyfriend's stategy -- but some of them are pretty intense in terms of the amount of reading and the number and depth of papers. I'm taking two this term, both anthropology classes, and I am often assigned 200+ pages of reading per week. Luckily, I'm a fast reader...</p>

<p>So they're definitely not "joke" classes, and often require a good deal of prep time per week. Generally, though, they don't require as much time as science and engineering classes, and the final grades in the class are usually much pointier. :)</p>

<p>My friends at MIT are generally less-than-pleased about having to write HASS papers. More often than not, it's not because of a lack of interest in the subjects, but rather because there's only so many hours in a week. A lot of them came to MIT hoping for an excellent science grounding while still being able to enjoy the humanities. Some of them have told me that they didn't expect the humanities to be just as hardcore as the sciences, which, depending on who you ask, can be a good thing or a bad thing.</p>

<p>All in all, whatever you do at MIT, expect your education to be thorough.</p>