Humorology - Greek System does good at Madison

<p>My son is a freshman and joined a fraternity which has been a great way for him to meet people and get involved on campus. He was very involved in the Greek System's largest philanthropic project this year-Humorology. Last year the program raised over $20,000.00 and donated the money to 1 heartland a program that helps kids with HIV attend summer camp, helps the homeless etc. The involved fraternities and sororities wrote, directed and choregraphed 6- 20 minute skits and made their own costumes and sets. They spent over 150 hours this year preparing for 3 performances this past weekend. They were all such fabulous skits. I was just amazed at the dedication and talent of these students and they do not get college credit for this big commitment. I am posting this because I have not found a thread on CC about Humorology and I think it is a wonderful program to know about for upcoming students. Also, the Greek System is not only about partying and often does not get acknowleged for all the positive contributions they make.</p>