
When I type the name Cal Poly Pomona, CC name recognition automatically hyperlinks Pomona to Pomona College. Is there a way to fix that?

I think you can manually edit the link to point to some place else. Testing it now for Cal Poly Pomona.

But yes, it would be very nice to be able to turn off, or redirect the auto-linking more easily.

(ETA: yes that seems to work. But not a straightforward approach)

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Yeah, I know I can do that but I think it would be better if the programing to recognize the word Pomona didn’t automatically direct to Pomona College.

Agreed :+1:t3:

@CC_Sorin @CC_Jon can someone fix this? I shouldn’t have to create a hyperlink to the correct school to override CC’s incorrect hyperlink. At least give me an easy option to remove the incorrect hyperlink.

I’m looking into it now. We’ve been looking at updating the system that creates these links and now is as good a time as any.

Unfortunately “Pomona” without “Cal Poly” or “College” is going to be ambiguous. It might be best to just not link bare Pomona to avoid confusion:

I’m excited to apply to Cal Poly Pomona! By the way, has anyone visited Pomona this year?

They clearly meant the same school (or maybe the city), but the autolink points people to a totally separate school that they probably aren’t considering at all. (Fun fact, Pomona College moved from Pomona to Claremont in 1887.)

Hopefully I’ll have more details soon.

Hi @CC_Jon. If auto-linking is hard to get right due to potential ambiguities, perhaps just allow a poster to easily remove an incorrect auto-hyperlink as @lkg4answers suggested? Is that easier to implement?

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As an example:

Cal Poly SLO links to the the college page but SLO by itself doesn’t. Cal Poly Humboldt doesn’t link to anything, not even the old Humboldt State page.

It makes it difficult when we are trying to help students with suggestions for schools that they should explore. We know what we are talking about but they don’t. In the above post, and the one following, any reference to the city of Pomona takes a student to Pomona College which is very, very different than Cal Poly Pomona.

@CC_Jon here is another example of the auto hyperlink directing readers to the wrong school.

OP is referencing Central Michigan University and the hyperlink is taking readers to Carnegie Mellon University.